Saturday, December 7, 2013

More Sadness

As you know, the PM is the primary fundraiser for the kingdom.  She found out this week that, due to bad behavior on her boss' part, her agency is losing the contract which pays for her job.  So this job ends at the end of the month.  She has been very sad because she has so much loved this job, her clients and her co-workers.  She is also angry and scared about having to look for another fundraising opportunity.

Please keep us all in your prayers and wishes during this time and understand if we are not around quite as much.


  1. Oh Princess, We are greatly saddened to read of the troubles in your Kingdom. The Human and I offer our condolences to the PM on the loss of her Dad--the Human's father died quite a long time ago, but she remembers the pain of losing him very well. And we are also sorry to hear the PM must find a new day-hunting gig. That is too bad, as it can be hard to find a completely satisfactory one. My Human is actually thinking about permanently abandoning day-hunting soon. She will turn 64 this month, and she thinks she will almost certainly sign one more year-long contract, but after that...who knows? We hope that the search goes well and quickly for the PM. You must purr on her as often as possible, dear Princess. XOXOXO

  2. We, Mom and I agree completely with what King Spitty and his momma say, Princess Treasure.

    Losing a job that you loved and with not much notice (NO notice is long enough when it means this awful thin, Princess).

    We WILL keep you in our purrs and Mom's prayers.
