Sunday, May 18, 2014

A (Symbolic) Treasure Hunt (get it?)

So, as we know, in the virtual world, time and place have little, if any, meaning.  Cats and other creatures travel through the quantum world with ease.

Due to that, we consider it imperative to throw the best possible adventure of all from the Princess' Sweet Sixteenth:  A Treasure Hunt.  Pun intended.

Since we won't be physically gathering, searching for clues and small items to show off, everyone will be given riddles; the first one with the answer wins that clue.  The kitten with the most clues in the end wins!

Princess Coco is serving as Missy of Ceremonies--so we consider the field wide open!

First clue:  This very large object of art, located in the land wherein the Sphynx Dynasty began, combines the best of felines and humans......

Humbly submitted,

Prime Minister Neora Warmlapp
Sir Ambassador Scout Ringo

Friday, May 9, 2014


Entry from the Princess' diary:

The PM is experiencing several changes today; the two interns in her office had their last day, the staff had a small luncheon for them.

Additionally, her rabbi leads services tonight for the last time before he retires.

Both of these changes are the kind that make her sad and happy at the same time.  Sad that this phase of her relationship with these people are over; happy that she had time with them.  She also knows this does not have to be the end of her relationship with any of them.  She will just have a different relationship with them.

She does wish them well on the next phases of their lives.

I will be 16 at the end of the month and, if I didn't know better, I would think something was being plotted.  There is alot of gossip zipping through the Realm and I am not included in it.  That leads me to believe the gossip is about me and the upcoming birthday.

We will see.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sweet Sixteen!

That is right!  The Princess turns 16 at the end of this month!  Plans must begin ASAP to celebrate this auspicious day!

Do our friends and allies have any suggestions?  We've been away for a while due to browser we have some catching up to do......please let us hear from you!

BTW, the Princess now has a fairy godmother:  Sarah the Serene.  More on her later.