Sunday, November 6, 2011

In and Around the Castle

(A recent entry from the Princess' diary): We stay busy here at the castle. For the most part, my role is that of head of state. However, when the Prime Minister makes it rain and gets wet, I set aside my crown long enough to watch for drain devils; if they should start to take hold of the PM's toe, I can race to the rescue. Could Sir Spitfire teleport quickly enough to assist me if need be?

I stay entertained by the rabbits, squirrels and birds that live in the neighborhood. Our rabbits are small, quiet neighborly sorts and they find this a safe place to live; few predators seem to get to them. Same with the squirrels. Most of the squirrels keep their distance but the one who lives in the tree outside my window TV has had the temerity to scold me when I interrupt his nut collecting. Little does he realize how much luck my presence brings him!

There are several other cats who live around the courtyard, a large floofy calico and a small silver tabby named Smudge. Both are properly reserved, as befits a cat. However, there is a smart aleck little short-tailed black cat who does not get it. It has repeatedly pestered me and even followed me into the castle. I have some sympathy for it, it is a rescue cat like me, but it has gone past the point of irritating me at times. If only it would take a hint.

Ringo has been making is rounds and renewing many alliances. It is good to see him in action again; his whiskers fairly tremble with the excitement of each approaching day!

The Royal Chariot had a flat tire last week, and when the spare was put in place, it became flat as well. The PM has replaced the first tire, and must replace the other front tire. Then she must replace the spare. But Sir Errant Knight Honder has advised her how to proceed so as to maintain the financial stability of the Realm. He has been of invaluable assistance to the Prime Minister in recent months.

The PM also has enough money saved to pay off any charges left after her insurance pays what it will on her surgery. Another happy thing.

The redecorating of the castle continues and has discombobulated all of us at times, but the PM reassures me that she is making progress and I will be quite gratified with the results.

It is time for an event here in the realm. Must start planning and ordering my minions around.


  1. what a joy to read! It was. Loved every word!

  2. I thought I best come and say hello, one Princess to another and all that :) Sounds like you have a great castle there. Must bring my lack of turrets up with the mumster and have some ordered immediately :)xx

  3. Sometimes, it's dis hard getting your castle organized. We think you doing a great job!

  4. Mom tried to post a reply from her handheld a few minutes ago and it would not let her this once. So here she is on the big computer. Sir Spitfire would be an excellent defender. I know he would get there quickly.

  5. Oh dear, Sir Spitfire has been negligent! I have a house-trashing pawty this evening (please join us if you can!), but as of tomorrow I am available for defender-duty at a moment's notice!

    Happy Fanksgibbing, Princess and the PM too! ♥ XOXO ♥
